Mar 27, 2019
Dr. Jerome Corsi- How did the Mueller investigation plot a case
against you to indite the President?
Nigel Jaquiss-Should we believe a women's sexual assault charges
after five years?
Caleb Heimlich-Should state lawmakers push massive tax hikes when
they already have record revenue coming in?
Mar 26, 2019
Alan Painter-Are murderers beating the system and receiving less time by pleading insanity?
Mar 22, 2019
Dr. Thomas Sowell-Are advocates for anti-discrimination back
James O'Keefe-Is Twitter shadow banning journalists?
Thomas Duncan-Should we ban watching gun videos from our public
Terry Anderson-Should we impose greater restrictions on declaring a
national monument?
Dr. Michael Makovsky-Does the...
Mar 21, 2019
John Yoo-Do conservative politicians overlook Asian voters?
Bernie Giusto-Should a quadruple murderer who was denied an
insanity defense by the state get a break from the
John Cochrane-Should we tax the wealthiest people much more than
the rest of us?John Nance-Who's responsible for the 737 Max 8